Okay so...I have been working on rough demos since December 2018. Yes, that far back. I thought I had some musicians interested in working with me but when you want something done...
Yep, I may have to go at it alone.
I feel rejuvenated since NAMM and figured I would put some feelers out. Again, being told that my music is "direct" and then hear "I'm not that kind of (musician)"...not the most inspiring things an artist wants to hear.
So I have to be a self-starter and kick my own ass. I've done it before and can do it again. Only last time I had someone help with setting me up with programs but that person decided to fly the coop. Oh well. Plus my previous laptop decided to die, so I have to go back to square one.
What else is new, right?
If I can't get a new album out this year, I want everyone to tell me that I'm full of crap and to never talk to me ever again.
Some of you are already hoping I don't deliver, huh? ;)

If I want this album done, I have to kick things into high gear. If I have to get all new programs, a 5-string bass, and a place to record with no distractions, then so be it. Life has taught me one thing: working alone is best. This way, nobody can tell me that the song titles are weird, or I can't write anything normal.
You want normal? There's plenty of bands doing that.
I'm going to find the inner guitar god once again, even if I feel this is my final opus.
Get ready, kids...