On this date last year, I became the first-ever "shredder" to be interviewed for a show called Guitar Tales With David Cohen. I have to give Scott Engel the credit for making this happen.
I can go into that a little later...
Hard to believe this happened a year ago. Still can remember driving down to this town called Bordentown, definitely a quaint little place. Everyone seemed so friendly, but most of the stores in town were closed...on a Wednesday?! (I really wanted to visit The Record Collector!!) Walked around the town, stopped in a little guitar repair shop, then hit a tiny bookstore. Everything felt so peaceful, no hustle and bustle. I could have easily gotten used to it. Even went to the local library to kill some time.
The studio was tucked away near a dead-end street, and since it faces the river nearby, I guess that's why it's called Riverview Studios! (Just a guess here...) Met with David as well as two women, Monica and Mary, and some members of the camera crew. Felt right at home. The interview itself went on longer than intended, and David seemed very pleased with everything. I didn't play too much guitar which was interesting, but when I did, it was to show some techniques, a Prince lick, and then some "showboating" runs. You can see the entire interview on the HOME page of this website, or follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKamquU3NR4&t=2729s
And now here we are, a year later, and the video has the most hits of any other clip that Guitar Tales has posted before and since. How did Scott get this rolling? At first, David wasn't too sure about having someone like me on his show, as he talked to guys in cover bands. I get it, that's an easier sell than someone like myself. But Scott worked his charm and got me on board. I definitely broke the mold (thanks to Scott) and it's nice to know that a weird cat like me can get the most views on their show.
One other thing: I no longer am associated with the pedal board company that is featured in this video. That is all I will say on the matter. But I am still with Ibanez, Orange, GHS, Spectraflex, Swiss Picks, Lock-It Straps, DigiTech, and Checkered Pedals. And though Electro-Harmonix do not do endorsements, I still like showing off the flanger pedal; also, I now use Pedaltrain boards (again no endorsement there).
And the sneakers I wore are gone too.
All in all, it was a really great day, a nice road trip, and I hope to go back there again one day.
If you ever visit Bordentown, go to Vincent's Ice Cream!!
