I am not a big guitar collector. People are shocked to hear that I have six guitars in my arsenal. I have friends who are huge collectors and that's awesome but I like to keep things simple. But this guitar was like butter in my hands and I pined for it for months. And now it's in my collection. Say hello to my new Ibanez GRG7221MMLB (that's a mouthful!)

This is a metallic blue (which looks more aqua to me) 7-string with two striking features. First off, it's a fixed bridge which some of you may find unusual. I always have floating tremolo systems on my guitars. The other awesome feature? MAPLE NECK! I always wanted a maple neck 7 and now I have one. This guitar sounds awesome with the stock pickups, very focused clean tones and of course, when I kick on the distortion, it has solid tones. I will use this guitar primarily for writing and teaching. Of course when I sit on my front porch, my neighbours can gawk at the cool paint job :)
I have to give this a name since my other guitars have names. One will come to me soon. For now, I am enjoying my new toy.
What's my age again?