I am pleased to see so many of you taking the time to check this site out. Again, it needs some nipping and tucking, maybe a shot of coffee too. But so far, the response has been quite positive. I will be adding more pics and videos when I can (which means WHEN I GET MY LAPTOP BACK...hard to do things in a library when the clock is ticking).
I was supposed to perform on June 29 as guest of Tony MacAlpine at Brighton Bar, but unfortunately, it was simply not meant to be. I am bummed but so be it. Putting the performance side of my life on hold so I can regroup and figure out my next move. No, I am NOT quitting music or cutting my hair! Been writing new songs though, very inspired and excited due to such amazing weather here in New Jersey. I just don't think the time is right for me to stumble around various stages, hawking ticket sales and feeling depressed and stressed about it. That's not very inspiring or conducive to being a musician. I'd rather focus on teaching, as I've been doing, and it's quite rewarding. If the gods smile and the planets line up for me to haul my gear out of the basement to play shows, fine. Right now, I am not feeling it.
Also, I am not re-ordering physical copies of MARBLEHEAD but you can still purchase a download of it on this site. Just go to the STORE page and order up. I've been asked "When will you reissue your older albums?" The answer for that is, I might take select songs from each cd, remaster them and make a "Greatest Hit" compilation. My main focus is a new album, and while I normally would give a best guess about when I will record and such, this time I am purposely refraining. Don't want to jinx myself, you know?
Other than that, keep enjoying this new/old site and PLEASE email me with any tips on how to improve things.
Time for that coffee...