Hello Earthlings...
Thank you all for taking the time to check out this website. I hope everyone enjoys the fancy fonts, colourful photos and things that spin around. One day I will have the machine that goes "bing".
I changed a lot of stuff on here, made the backgrounds less busy so things are easier to read, especially if you are viewing this on a tablet or phone. Anything to make one thing in your life less complicated :)
Feel free to drop me an email at steviehimself@aol.com (for general questions or if you are interested in Skype lessons). If you have a business inquiry, please proceed to the CONTACT page and email Katie Orlandini at KCO Promotions.
Enjoy and don't hurt yourself.
Steve Bello (Ramsey, NJ)
New interview on Guitar Tales With David Cohen
Filmed 6.12.19 at Riverview Studios (Bordentown, NJ)
New video featuring all four of my signature pedals by Checkered Pedals (descriptions in video)

Collage of pics from my recent trip to Anaheim for NAMM 2020! (I wanted to add one of my songs but couldn't, so found this 80s-sounding music courtesy of Wix.) Enjoy!
Interview conducted by The Matty Rocks Experience on the second day of NAMM 2020. You can tell I was wiped out already but had the time of my life...
Ten Questions w/Tunebubble (UK). They emailed the questions and I filmed the answers in my makeshift "studio". Enjoy!
Short clip from 10.27.20 rehearsal, first one with bassist Scott Jackson and drummer Vincent Livolsi. Not saying the song title yet but hope you enjoy!